
Stay up to date with the latest updates and improvements.

  • School courses

    Courses system complete including joining, exiting viewing and creating a course

  • School onboarding

    When joining in a school a teacher and a student now pass an onboarding experience

  • Creating QR Code

    QR Grid The Ultimate Customizable QR Code Open Source JavaScript Library.

    qr code
  • Notifications

    Notifications are created at certain events

  • Adding feedbacks

    Users are now able to send feedback on the website

  • Browsing schools

    Users are now able to browse through schools, And view the schools they own or study at via the schools page.

  • unDraw SVG

    unDraw has beautiful SVG images that you can use completely free and without attribution.

    error svg
  • Adding biography

    Users are now able to create their biography using a text editor by tiptap

  • Adding changelog

    Using projectplannerai. in-order to add changelog.

  • Creating Admin dashboard

    Admin role users now have access to the dashboard page. The dashboard page allows Admins to manage the websites user's.

  • Adding authentication

    Authentication including registration, login, oauth e.t.c using Lucia auth.